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Harith Iskander prompts Tun Musa Hitam, Nurul Izzah and Alex Yoong to complete the sentence "Politicians are..". Here's their answer....
Somehow Cody Rhodes still hasn't finished his story. Now Adam Blampied finishes it for him.Logo designed by: Lee WildgooseInsta: goosecreative_designhttps://goo...
Alan sent me some really cool tags and wants to know how people will use them. Leave your ideas at http://goo.gl/jikdI. This is an example of an easy and low-co...
The Labour government announced a big spending increase for the NHS in the budget, worth more than £22billion.The Star went out to Sheffield city centre to ask...
Welcome to This New Channalmovies trailers,destination for Bollywood's,NEW Songs,Breaking News, Bollywood gossip, the world of entertainment.the hottest bollywo...